Thursday 8 May 2014

planet side 2 case study

General Research

1.What is Plantside 2?
Plantside 2 is an MMOFPS (Massively Multiplayer On-line First Person Shooter) game that is free to play on-line. It is a war game set in a sci-fi environment.

2.What genre does the game belong to?
Plantside 2 belongs to the MMOFPS genre.

3. Plantside 2 developer/publisher: 
DEVELOPER+PUBLISHER:Sony On-line Entertainment 

4.When was it launched?
MICROSOFT WINDOWS: 20th November 2012

5.How does the game play work?

6. What are the six different player classes in the game?
  • The Infiltrator 
  • The Light Assault 
  • The Combat Medic 
  • The Engineer Class 
  • The Heavy Assault Class
  • The MAX class
7.What is the story or narrative to the game?
The story or narrative of the game is Plantside 2 chronicles the efforts of three factions as they fight for territorial control of planet Auraxis.

Business Model

1. How much does Plantside 2 cost to play?
Plantside 2 is a free to play game, but includes a cash shop for players to purchase in game items.

2. What does the a subscription offer to players?
The subscription provides players with increased experience, cert points, and extra resources, which are used to acquire things such as grenades and medical kits.

3.What can the in-game currency be used to buy?
It can be used to buy convenience items and cosmetic changes using real money. E.G. Grenades, guns, medical kits.

4.Why do some players dislike games in which users can buy additional weapons or health?
Some players may dislike this fact of buying additional health and weapons in the game because it means those players can have a increased advantage to others with advanced weapons making it unfair for fellow gamers.

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